Return of Getting Tech Into Ed

Return of Getting Tech Into Ed: Welcome back to the show!

Well, we were knocked down, but certainly not knocked out. Podango's recent shutdown put a lot of podcasters in a bind, but that is part of the price of depending on a free service. It's a lesson all teachers need to take into consideration, but that will be the topic of the next show.

Just want to welcome everyone back to Getting Tech Into Ed. If you are an old listener, thanks for making the effort to find us here. If you are a new listener, we are glad you could join us. There will be shows with more content coming in the very near future. Getting back up and running online was a big enough challenge to fill my time over the last month. Now, it is time to get back to what I love to do: help you find ways to integrate technology into your classroom instruction.

Look for the next show to appear some time within the next two weeks.

Thanks again for listening.
Brian Yearling

Host and Instructional Technology Enthusiast


Episode 5: A whole new PowerPoint!


Episode 4: Building a personal/professional learning network