You Can't Teach Advanced Use of Technology
In today's world, educators tend to take more than their fair share of abuse from the general public, from lawmakers, and even from parents and students. So, when I get a chance to boast of the talents and dedication of the wonderful teachers that I have an opportunity to work with, I take it.
One thing I have always known about my colleagues in education is that we are among the most resourceful and creative professionals that anyone can imagine. As a profession, we are tasked to do an incredibly important job, often without the budget or resources to do that job with ease (I'm talking about the budget of an individual classroom teacher here). Yet, we almost always find a way to get the job done within the budget we are given. This is just one way we demonstrate how creative and resourceful we are (even though it most often goes unnoticed).
Those two skills, resourcefulness and creativity, are essential tools in all aspects of a teacher's world, including the meaningful incorporation of technology.
Last week I started my first session in a three week session on "Advanced Google Use in the Classroom." The name happened naturally and probably without enough consideration. We have a Beginner's Guide to Using Google course, and we needed to offer the next level of that. The Advanced Google Use course was born.
However, advanced use is an absolute misnomer. I have really thought about this, and I just can't come up with a clear definition or an outline of what Advanced Google Apps use actually is. I can come up with examples of how Google Apps can be used in a more complex way, or for more interesting outcomes, but I just cannot put my finger on what I would teach in a course titled "Advanced Google Use in the Classroom" that would be all that much different than what we are teaching in the beginner's level course.
That is likely a sign of the perfect design of the tool set. Google Apps (like other well designed platforms) is easy to use. The skills learned and used in one tool are often closely related to skills you would use in another tool. That quality is probably at the heart of my argument. Once I've taught somebody the concept of sharing (which is truly a beginner level skill in the world of Google Apps), it applies everywhere. Once I've taught them about the auto-generated URLs of all documents in Drive, that skill wraps neatly into every other tool. The same is true of image manipulation, text editing, and even embedding (perhaps a "slightly" more advanced skill, but even that I question).
However, there is significant difference between the way a "beginning" Google Apps user interacts with the Google tools, and the way a more "advanced" Google user utilizes the tools.
If the skills needed to function both as a beginner and an advanced user are nearly the same (and yes, I get that somebody who knows how to script in Spreadsheets has a far more advanced skill than we would teach beginners...that's about the best example I can come up with of a truly advanced skill), the delineation between these two uses has to exist within something the user brings to the experience.
Pinpointing what that special something is might not be as hard as it seems. There seem to be two key elements that a more advanced user has that a beginning user does not.
1. Platform-wide Thinking Related to Product Design
When a user begins to understand how the platform is built, how the tools are inter-related, and how the tools can interact to create a desired "effect," the user can begin to manipulate the tools in a way that they weren't initially intended or that the beginner may not be able to see as possible.
2. Creativity
Once the platform tools are understood, the user can begin to imagine what could be possible, running mental "experiments" on the way tools will perform together before actually developing the final product. In this way, the use is creatively considering what problem needs to be solved or what need must be met, and then developing a way to resolve that issue or meet that need with the
tool set in front of them.
To be honest, this seems to be the advantage that our young people (our "digital natives") have over adults (the "digital immigrants"). They tend to see the inter-relatedness of these products because they have not experienced a world where design wasn't a consideration in the end user experience. They have an expectation that the tools work together, and as a result, they do not have to put much emphasis on first understanding the platform.
With that said, it seems apparent to me that our emphasis needs to be on teaching our "beginners" not only how the products we teach them to use work, but how they are designed to work together. It also seems to me that if we find products that are not designed to work together, we consider if they are a product that is truly necessary in our environment, and if not necessary, we consider removing the product. As Technology Coaches/Coordinators/Integrators, our systems level knowledge of how tools work together mandates us to help remove the hurdle of poorly designed technology from educational environments for the betterment of all!
Once we help our newest users begin to build an understanding of how tools and platforms work together, I know that we will not have to teach "Advanced Tech Use" courses to teachers. They will begin to apply skills that most teachers have learned, developed, and honed innately -- their resourcefulness and creativity. That's the moment I am most excited to see in the teachers that I work with, because that is the moment when all of the frustration and stress about using technology clears and a moment of realization and clarity takes its place. That's the moment they become "advanced" technology users because its the point where the journey stops being about the technology and re-focuses on teaching and learning!
Breaking Down the Classrooms Walls for Professionals
One of the unforeseen blessings of having an educational role such as ours, Instructional Technologies Coordinators, is the opportunity to regularly visit the classrooms of so many professional educators on a daily basis. I regularly learn more about becoming a better educator during these visits than I could have ever learned through years of "trial and error" in my own classroom. It is one of my greatest regrets that I did not seek out more opportunities to observe the professional practice of my colleagues when I was a classroom teacher.
At Waukesha North, a healthy culture of collaboration has been embraced throughout the building. As a key element of that, staff members are beginning to seize the opportunity to step outside of their own classrooms and to place their professional learning front and center, as they learn from their colleagues. Calling them "learning walks" or "instructional rounds," the goal is consistently the same -- learning to improve the craft of teaching by observing, reflecting, asking questions, and implementing.
Principal Jody Landish recently published a thoughtful, sincere, inspiring post about the instructional rounds taking place at North. Read her reflections related to the value of this level of collaboration and professional learning on her blog post - Instructional Rounds in Education -- Principal of the Purple Palace blog.
Professional Development: Preparing Attendees to Re-awaken the Inner Drive
Somehow they re-awaken in me to the possibilities and opportunities that present themselves in my professional life. They lend a rush of enthusiasm as I unplug from the day-to-day realities of my job and look more broadly at the scope of my profession and the challenges that I face in it.
I'm talking about the meaningful professional learning opportunities and conferences I am able to attend from time to time as a part of my professional responsibility and growth. Each time I am able to truly engage in a meaningful conference or pd event, I walk away with a flood of valuable and "innovative" ideas that offer options and solutions that were somehow beyond the realm of imagination or possibility for me/my organization before the event. To me, and to the people that I "represent" each time I attend those events, that matters. It provides new ideas and options, new perspectives and valuable considerations, and a re-invigorated colleague that can offer new energy to the organization.
What strikes me in this reflection, though, is the unfortunate reality that most of my colleagues don't have the same experience or perception of conferences. I struggle to suggest that this is entirely their fault. Good professional development sessions and conferences (or should I say good professional learning experiences) -- I mean the really valuable meaningful kind that you wish were longer so you could absorb just a little bit more -- are rare. Sometimes this is the fault of the organizers, and they should take the blame squarely on the chin for wasting an incredible opportunity to impact meaningful change in education. More often, though, this is the result of the inability of those attending the session/conference to prepare in a meaningful way for the experience. Whether it is a classroom teacher who is busily pulling together sub plans at the last minute and making phone calls to parents while on the way to the conference, or administrators who are able to focus only part of their attention on the presenters/sessions because their attention is being "beckoned" back to the district/building, the attendee isn't able to focus fully on what they hope to make of and take from the conference experience before, during, and after the event. This is even more true when we consider in-district professional development that happens before, during, or after a day with students.
We know that meaningful learning happens when learners are personally "available" and open to the concept of having a meaninful experience. That doesn't happen when our professional educators are struggling to even maintain focus on the experience they are having -- when they can't pull away from the details that draw us into the "rut" of our daily professional lives. That doesn't happen when they can't converse with their team, administrator, or PLC prior to attending. That doesn't happen when they cannot take a moment to reflect on the experience and share their take-aways from the experience.
It's a lesson those who structure, develop, and authorize the attendance of professional learning need to remember and consider when we put precious financial resources into developing and/or sending our staff to these events. As much as professional development and conference attendance can cost, considering the greater cost of not allowing these people to ready themselves to have a great, meaningful experience is just as, or even more, costly! Those responsible for allowing staff members to attend these events must find ways to allow and encourage them to be more available to make every professional learning opportunity a transformative and invigorating one. Those buiding and offering those opportunities for professional growth need to be cognizant of this essential element of the learning process.
Episode 10: Collaboration is Invigorating
Recently I finished my first attempt at teaching a masters level course in the use of multimedia in teaching and learning. It was truly a great experience and the students were engaging, accepting, open-minded, and thought provoking in their response to the technology that was introduced throughout the class.
The letdown at the end of the class, however, is that the collaborative energy that is generated as we work with other motivated professionals has also come to an end. This got me thinking: how can we sustain this important energy and enthusiasm in our professional lives without having to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars to colleges and programs? The reality is that it isn't as tough as it seems, but it takes a commitment to making it happen. Listen to the podcast to hear just some of my ideas about how you can practically make it happen.
Just a suggestion: DO IT NOW! Now most educators have a moment to breathe. Set up your collaboration teams early in the summer! Wait too long and summer will pass before your eyes. Wait until fall and it will likely not happen. How quickly we forget that the second that first bell rings we hold our breath and wait for a chance to breathe again; that next breath is generally not available until summer.
As always, we would love to hear from you. Find us on Twitter, @brianyearling, and email us at .
Thanks for visiting and listening.
Adopting educational technology: The journey to full integration
What I love most about my professional learning network (PLN) is the continuous opportunities it has provided me for reflection on my professional practice. It never fails to inspire me when I'm in a funk, teach me something new when I least expect it, or provide insight that I would not have come to on my own. My PLN has been particularly helpful lately as I've experienced incredible frustration with the sluggish pace of educational reform.
Recently while fumbling between an Ed Tech Talk podcast, reviewing some of the recent Tweets I missed, and I was thinking about comments I heard a recent tech committee meeting at our school. I was specifically stuck on a comment made by one person that suggested that the district needed to provide both quality educational experiences and experiences utilizing technology. The suggestion that the two could not work in tandem reminded me that everyone at the table was at a very different place regarding their conceptual understanding of the role technology could play in changing the way we teach students.
Through the combination of it all I was reminded of just how much I've grown in my understanding of the ways that technology can transform and enhance educational delivery and instructional practice for educators willing to embrace it. It wasn't really so long ago when I was the one scoffing at some of the very same ideas I now promote in these meetings. I, too, probably wondered how we could find enough time in the day to teach all of the regular curriculum and then add new "technology specific skills" to the list. The epiphany that technology can alter what education looks like probably never struck me when I was just beginning to grasp the concepts I fully accept now. That is a realization one has to come to as we allow these concepts to roll around for a while.
This strikes me as an important revelation to hold on to when I experience the frustration that comes with trying to move the juggernaut of education at anything faster than a snail's pace.
While seeing can be believing within the world of educational technology (and thus doing is adopting???), there is no substitute for the time needed to allow the innovative ideas of this movement/pedagogy/practice to really take hold and transform the thoughts/beliefs/practices of those on the journey to adoption and integration of instructional technology principles. Those of us that have made a habit of drinking the koolaid have to remember that. Most of us needed that time to adjust as well. It just happened that so many of us, as early adopters, were so far ahead of the wave that there was no pressure to adopt these ideas overnight. Too often I find myself wanting to push the masses of educators just arriving to these concepts in a direction that they are not mentally prepared to accept. I feel like that little kid who has been in the cave hundreds of times; now I just need my friends to trust me enough to follow me blindly into the darkness. Fortunately, these professionals value their students and their profession enough to step cautiously when entering the darkness. They are not going to follow blindly. The result: I'm left to search for new and better ways to urge these educators along on the path to adoption and integration of educational technology more quickly than I came to the same full acceptance I want them to achieve.
One of the best ways that I can think of to help them achieve this growth and adoption more quickly is to take full advantage of something I was skeptical of during my journey: developing a high quality PLN. For me my Twitter, Teachers 2.0, podcast, and personal networks serve as an ongoing source of ideas that help me to uncover new ideas, explore new terrain, and reflect on my practice.(you see, of course, the circular reasoning of this post...I end in the same place that I started). My PLN serves as the ongoing backdrop of professional conversations that keep me focused on the areas of interest to me. If I had the benefit of these conversations earlier in my educational technology adoption journey, perhaps I would have started to accept these ideas/practices more quickly.
Therefore, I'm going to begin suggesting to those that I would like to see move along more quickly in their instructional technology adoption that they form a network of influential thinkers that may help keep them focused on the task at hand: using technology to transform education. Of course, this suggesting will best be served with a side of mentoring as to how to actually achieve this(do you remember how hard it was to start developing a high quality PLN?). By the way, this is a heck of a way to start gaining even more followers and growing my virtual ego to an even greater extent.
Getting Tech Into Ed - The Podcast Returns
What has changed? Well, to begin with, our family has welcomed another member: Sophie Grace. With our oldest daughter Ella keeping us constantly on our toes, and our bubbly little Sophia biding for our attention, that has been the primary change that has filled our lives.
However, passion is a tough element to suppress. Educational technology has truly become a passion and a mission for me over the past few years, and I truly enjoy the opportunity to share new ideas and thoughts with you.
Another new element has been added to the show. My wife, Stacy, has agreed to step into the world of Getting Tech Into Ed. Stacy is a marvelous school psychologist with an upbeat, energetic passion for her work, a solid understanding and focus on literacy, experience with K-8 students/teachers, a limitless well of innovative ideas, and a wide array of interventions and techniques to help struggling and special education students. Having her to assist me as we explore technological innovation and share our findings with you will certainly increase the depth and bredth of the topics we cover in the show.
Also, mobile podcasting has finally found GTIE. I am now using an iPod Touch to record some of my podcasts. One of the primary hang-ups for me is finding the time to get in the studio and record and edit new material. Using the iPod Touch and an app called iPodcaStudio to record shows while on the go, I am able to overcome that issue. One of the hangups at this point is a drop in sound quality, but I'm exploring ways to fix that with a new cable and a lapelle microphone. I'll let you know how that experiment goes for me. I am doing my best to take some of the road noise and "tininess" out of the mobile recordings, but that is definitely a work in progress.
What's in this episode?
In this episode I am recording in the car. I have been eagerly anticipating attending the WEMTA conference for quite some time. However, I began to think about the irony of my growing enthusiasm for attending this conference. What is most exhilarating about attending a conference is sharing your ideas and taking new ideas from people at the conference. However, these people are often complete strangers that we do not work with. I questioned why I don't find this same enthusiasm to share ideas with my colleagues in my own department/building/district.
This show is my rambling thoughts on that issue. It does provide some motivation and some ideas as to why I don't feel excited to share with my colleagues on a daily basis. Perhaps in identifying why I do not attempt to share often (and I am as honest as I can be about the issue), I can begin to change that pattern to allow my closest colleagues to become a trusted part of my personal/professional learning network. As I conclude in the show, in doing so, maybe I will find even greater satistfaction daily if I can begin to count on the people I work with to actively participate in the journey of integrating technology into their/our classroom instruction together.
Sign off
I want to thank you for your time in reading/listening and sharing this site/podcast with others. I also want to encourage you to share your own ideas and reflections with Stacy and I. Please email comments, show ideas, or feedback to
Here's to being back in the podcasting game! You'll hear from us again soon.
Brian and Stacy Yearling
Getting Tech Into Ed co-hosts
Episode 4: Building a personal/professional learning network
Over the past few years I have been on a journey of my own in my experimentation with technology in my classroom, and I remember so well the scary and frustrating moments where I questioned my own motivations for incorporating technology. There were many stopping points for me along the way where I spent a lot of time searching for answers to questions and for solutions to problems. And it is in reflection of this that I’m offering the topic of today’s show: building a educational technology professional learning community that can surround and support you in your own journey.
The reality is that motivated teachers need to find ways to work more collaboratively and efficiently to train themselves on the use of technology that will enhance the education of our students. So let’s look at a couple of tools to get you started to help you build your professional technology network.
Popular podcasts
The most important piece of my professional learning community has been the podcasters that I have adopted into my life. I want to share a few great starting tips that will get you on the road to implementing this essential element into your web of professional growth.
- Find someone you like listening to. Someone where you like the sound of their voice, and the quality of their advice.
- Find someone who updates regularly. Podcasters start and stop their podcasts every day, and as a result, their isn’t that guarantee of longevity. Finding someone who has invested the time and the effort to produce regularly over a long period of time is the best bet you will find in the podcasting world.
- Find an aggregator that you feel comfortable with. The two aggregators that I use are: 1) Itunes and 2) Juice.
And here are a few of the shows I strongly recommend for teachers who are truly interested in finding more ways to get technology into your classroom instruction.
- Ed Tech Talk Weekly Round-up: This is a show for those of you who want a lot of links to new instructional technology tools, resources, and articles.
- The Tech Teachers by Ray and Holley: I like this show because the hosts are passionate about the use of technology in their classroom and in their daily lives.
- Tech Chick Tips: These ladies are fantastic, practical and tech savvy, but they always focus on how the technology can solidly integrate into the classroom seamlessly.
Best blogs
Another way of connecting on the Internet is through the more standard use of text. Here are a few links for those of you looking for recommendations. However, searching for blogs is something that anyone can do, and you really need to find a blog that speaks to you and that you will actually keep up with. 2007 Winner for the Weblog Award for Best Education Blog This is a list from Jay Matthews, a Washington Post Education Columnist, in which he compiles links to his favorite education blogs.
Finally, I’m inserting a link to the 2008 Edublogs Awards page. There you can search through the nominations and categories to find blogs/resources that you really like and could learn something new from:
Join an online community
In the Web 2.0 world, there are communities of educators and educational thinkers and decisions makers that are uniting in one piece of online real estate. By becoming an active member you gain the “networked” status that so many professionals attend time-sapping conferences for.
Essentially, Twitter is a type of social networking tool. I “grew”my network and found that the people I followed were doing interesting things and were adding interesting content to Twitter. As a result, I was getting interesting links each day.
I’ve dropped a link to a list of some of the top people to add to your Twitter network into the show notes. This is one place to go right away after signing up for a Twitter account. Trust me, Twitter is useless without a network, so that is really one of the first things you want to do.
If you are interested in following me on Twitter, you can add me: brianyearling
Tech Trials:
This week in tech trials, I want to share a resource that I’ve just found and that I am experimenting with as we speak.
We the teachers was founded by a couple, Nate and Amy, who saw a need for a free online community where resources (lesson plans and files) could be shared between teachers. From the description on the page, it sounds as if the couple is committed to keeping the resource free and open for teachers to collaborate online. It is free to join, and there are many benefits to being a member of the community.
Members of the community can upload their best lesson plans, can join groups online, and can upload their best files for all to share. They can also download those same files from people across the country and across the world, so it is a site that is definitely worth a look for any teachers interested in gaining an instant community of teachers to connect with.